Details about an upcoming MMO based on Guerrilla's Horizon franchise have surfaced through recent job listings. Kurakasis, a video game researcher, shared insights on Twitter about the game, suggesting it might be an MMORPG titled "Land of Salvation." Job postings by NCSoft employees seemingly confirm the development, with a codename logo reminiscent of Horizon games.
Sony & NCSoft Forge Horizon MMO, Unveiling Project Skyline
Details about an upcoming MMO based on Guerrilla's Horizon franchise have surfaced through recent job listings. Kurakasis, a video game researcher, shared insights on Twitter about the game, suggesting it might be an MMORPG titled "Land of Salvation." Job postings by NCSoft employees seemingly confirm the development, with a codename logo reminiscent of Horizon games. The project, known as Project Skyline (initially Project H), is led by Hong-Young Choi in Sung-Gu Lee's Lineage IP division, with development starting around 2021.
The game, expected to launch after Aion 2 in 2024/2025, is being developed in Unreal Engine 5 and involves approximately 140 people, as of September 2023. Kurakasis also noted that NCSoft registered a domain for a potential game titled Land of Salvation, possibly the official title for the Horizon MMO. The leak coincides with the strategic partnership announcement between Sony and NCSoft, aiming to broaden PlayStation's reach beyond consoles, emphasizing collaboration in various global business fields, including mobile.
While specifics weren't disclosed, the partnership seeks to leverage NCSoft's technological prowess and Sony's global leadership in entertainment. Notably, this development aligns with last year's report hinting at an MMO set in Sony's Horizon IP under development at NCSoft. The evolving collaboration between these gaming giants sparks anticipation for innovative ventures in the gaming industry.Everything I have found about Horizon MMO (MMORPG to be precise):
— Kurakasis (@Kurakasis) December 31, 2023
The game is now essentially confirmed to be in development, as an NCSoft employee posted a job listing on LinkedIn with a codename logo stylized similarly to the logo of Horizon games.
- It's developed under the…